How to Create a Database in MS-Access

create a database in ms access
How to Create a Database in MS-Access

Create a Database
Before creating tables and other objects in database, a database must be created. A database can be created from the main menu of MS-Access or from the startup dialog box MS-Access.

Creating Database Through startup Dialog Box

To create a new database from startup dialog box, follow these steps:

Start MS-Access a dialog box with three options will appear 

Select Blank Access database option and click “OK” button of dialog box. File new database dialog box will appear.

Type the name of database file in the file name text  box and select other options if required.
Click on the create button of dialog box. The database file will be created and database window will appear.

Creating database using main menu of MS-Access
To create a new database file from main menu of Microsoft Access, follow these steps:
Start MS-access. A dialog box with three options will appear.
Click cancel button of startup dialog box. The main window of MS-Access will appear.
Select new command from file menu.
OR Press Ctrl + N. New dialog box will appear.
Type the database file name in the file name text box and select other options if required.
Click create button of dialog box. A database window with database name will appear.
MS. Access automatically adds the extension of the database file as MDB for example if you give college as the file name, it will be created as college.mdb.

Creating database using database Wizard
You can also create a database using database wizard. Database wizard guides the user through a series of steps to create a database. It includes choosing a database template, selecting predefined fields, adding pictures etc.

To create database using database wizard, follow these steps:

Start MS-Access a dialog box with three options will appear Select access database wizards, pages and projects option of the dialog box and click ok button. The new dialog box will appear.
Click databases tab and select the database type you want to create.
Click ok button of new dialog box. File new database dialog box will appear.
Specify the name and location for the database to store on disk.
Click the create button of dialog box. The main window of newly created database will be displayed and database wizard will start as shown below.
Follow the instructions of wizard and select you required option for the newly created database

How to Create a Database in MS-Access How to Create a Database in MS-Access Reviewed by JD Ahmad on June 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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